How Not To Make The Small Stuff Happen?
As human beings, we make a big deal of some small events without even realizing it. Our entire day is spent making selections about how we are living, what do we say, what do we eat and what do we do; but when we’re so engrossed in the minor stuff, we often miss the major stuff and that can have harsh consequences on our mind, body, and soul. When we get caught in our daily minor struggles, it makes us forget to see back and appreciate the things we’re lucky to have. “It's often the mundane incidents that reveal how vastly different human temperaments can be”, says Michael D. Robinson, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at North Dakota State University. Some people swoop up their accidentally dropped keys with no complaints and go along their merry way and there are some who, more often than not, can't pick them up without cursing or letting out a big, dejected sigh. Real issues start arising when we overreact in the circumstances than needed. Obviously, we all have been t...